Halloween party ideas 2015

The significance of testosterone for male sexual function is apparent to most Life Extension members. New insights, however, underscore the critical role testosterone plays in maintaining youthful neurological structure, alleviating depression, as well as inducing fat loss in those who are unable to reduce body weight regardless of diet and exercise.

Recent studies have demonstrated that low testosterone in men is strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (Miner and Seftel 2007), and an almost 50% increase in mortality over a seven year period

You might remember hormones from your sex-crazed teen years. Or your partner's most recent crying jag. But if you're sitting there smugly thinking that you're immune fromhormonal chaos just because you're (a) no longer a teenager and (b) male, think again. In fact, if you knew all the ways hormones could mess up your life, you'd probably start crying like a little girl. Off-kilter hormone distribution can make you store too much fat, hamper your ability to fight stress, and cause you to eat when you're full. It can lead to metabolic syndrome and diabetes and can adversely affect your sleep and sex life.

That's a lot that can go wrong. This is due to the vast reach of your endocrine system, which commands body activity utilizing powerful hormones. "It's like your body's internal Internet," says pharmacologist John McLachlan, Ph.D., director of the center for bioenvironmental research at Tulane University. "Your hypothalamus and pituitary glands are the control centers, like servers sending out messages going back and forth among your organs. Your pancreas, adrenal glands, thyroid, and testes are all part of this finely tuned system.

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