Halloween party ideas 2015

Yarsagumba is known as cordecypes sinensis According to botanical nomenclature .Cordyceps is a Chinese fungus used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for “lung protection” and “reproductive invigoration” as well as to balance the fundamental “energy of life.” Cordyceps is also known as the Chinese caterpillar fungus because it is a parasitic organism that grows on a rare Tibetan caterpillar until the 
caterpillar dies and the mushroom sprouts from the caterpillar’s head. 
Owing to the herb's high efficacy and potency in curing various diseases, it is well known 
as an important nourishing tonic. However, as the source and the gathering of the herb is 
rare and difficult, so its supply often falls short of demand. 


For a healthy person who uses YARSAGUMBA as an aphrodisiac, life-giving, stimulant for sports etc. The recomended dose is: 0,3—0,7 g ( 1—2 pcs according to the size) daily, eat whole mushroom in original form, or overflow with boiling water (tea) and eat after 20 min., or powder it and drink with milk, for 3—4 days. After pausing for 3 days it is possible to repeat dosage. In the case of particular health problems, the dosages are often higher, but it is recomended to consultate this with your doctor.
In Asia YARSAGUMBA is cooked with many kind of dishes: chicken or duck soup, pork specialities, boiling it in ducks stomachs, or feeding the duck withCATERPILLAR FUNGUS and after 2—3 days preparing the duck and eating it. (This pre-fed duck usually has very tasty meat!) As a powder it is often consumed with drinking water, milk or tea.
The taste is pleasant, sweet, with a nutty-mushroom flavor. Any aversion to consuming caterpillars (although actually there is no more caterpillar, just its cover) is quickly overwhelmed by the benefit whichYARSAGUMBA provides. There is no possibility of overdose with CATERPILLAR FUNGUS, and, according to all available information, there are no known harmful or negative side effects, even for pregnant women.
A. Production Volume and Trade
In the remote districts, it is sold at NRs 3 to 5 per piece, and in India it is sold at about 
NRs 28,000 per Kg.  There are about 3,500 – 3,600 pieces per Kg of Yartshagumba. 
B. Current Market Channel
Collector -> Village trader -> Regional trader -> wholesaler -> exporter 
C. Current Processing
There is both neither processing nor any kind of value-additive works currently being 
done in Nepal except drying (sun drying) and grading (separation of products according 
to size).  For storage purpose, Yarsagumba should get a treatment immediately after 
collection.  This treatment does not require any sophistication but simply a fast drying 
process.  If there is no sun, the fungus is heated over an open fire for 5 to 7 minutes. 
D. Variability and Risk
If caught with Yarsagumba, the royalty rate is NRs. 500/fungus for judicial purpose 
(Forest Rules, 1995). 

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